Verity Price Showcase


As the Toastmasters 2021 World Champion, Verity Price Showcase captured the judges, and thousands of peoples imagination with her winning speech ‘A Great Read’ – an inspiring invitation to improve our lives by “writing a different story”.

Helping people do just that, is Verity’s passion.

What does it take to be the first?

Verity Price Showcase

Her talent for ‘acting out the box’ rather than merely ‘thinking out’ of it, has brought international success for Verity Price, speaking globally on innovation and thinking differently, which includes two TEDx Talks.

As the Toastmasters 2021 World Champion, Verity captured the judges, and thousands of peoples imagination with her winning speech ‘A Great Read’ – an inspiring invitation to improve our lives by “writing a different story”.  Helping people do just that, is Verity’s passion.

With a degree in Psychology and Anthropology from UCT, as an accredited De Bono Six Thinking Hats facilitator and an advocate for Positive Psychology, Verity believes passionately that change happens when teams have the confidence to create new ideas. She has crafted speeches and workshops to grow this ability with measurable, exponential success over the last decade.

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