Justice Malala | #1 Informed Political Insights


Justice Malala is a political commentator and current affairs keynote speaker, newspaper columnist and author of the Number One South African bestseller “We Have Now Begun Our Descent”.

Malala writes regular weekly columns for The Times online newspaper and the Financial Mail magazine in South Africa. His new book about the SA transition to democracy will be published in 2021 in the USA, Canada, the UK and SA by Simon & Schuster.

Until August 2018 Malala was resident political analyst for eNews Channel Africa (eNCA). He also presented a weekly political talk show (The Justice Factor) on eNCA.

He was a political analyst at Lefika Securities in Johannesburg and is rated as the top African political / economic analyst in South Africa.

Justice Malala | SA Political Insights

His book, We Have Now Begun Our Descent, reached number one on the South African best-seller lists in 2016 and was nominated as one of the top five non-fiction books by the Jenny Crwys-Williams Book Club.

Justice Malala is a regular contributor to the Guardian in London and his work has been published internationally in newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Telegraph, The Independent, Forbes, Institutional Investor, The Age, The Observer and the Toronto Globe and Mail.


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