As Covid has made it’s away around the globe it’s brought steep challenges and tremendous loss with it as It Is What It Is. Having said that, we must also acknowledge it’s gifted us with lessons in resilience, unconventional connections and a need to recalibrate both our internal and external compass. We all hoped that by December Covid would merely be a distant memory but have come to see it’s simply not the case. Our uninvited guest is overstaying it’s welcome.
We can dig our heels in, struggle and complain bitterly at the unfairness of it or we can choose to make friends with this new reality, come to terms with the fact that we are not in control of this and authentically ACCEPT ‘what is’. A couple of years ago I recorded this short vlog on ‘It is what it is’ and I’ve decided to share it with you.
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Lift as You Rise is Bonang Mohale’s book, published during his tenure as CEO of Business Leadership South Africa. He is a highly respected South African businessman, who is known as much for his patriotism and his active role in seeking to advance his country’s interests as for the leading role he has played in […]
Renias and Alex van den Heever helped a game reserve start a leopard habituation project in the Waterberg and here is the MESSAGE FROM A WILDEBEEST. A Tracker Academy project to track, find and form relationships with leopards. For the benefit of ecotourism lodges in the area. During the day we tracked leopards. In the […]
Speakers Inc is available to offer you our South Africa’s Best Speakers as the Inspiring Motivational keynote speaker to open or close your next Johannesburg, Gauteng event or conference. Speakers Inc is a leading South Africa’s Best Speakers Bureau for motivational speakers that delivers keynotes over 3000 times per year. Our South Africa’s Best Speakers are […]
WHEN I FIRST BEGAN STUDYING NUTRITION IN 2009 THERE WAS PRETTY MUCH NO MENTION OF GUT HEALTHY AND HAPPY. Since then a lot has changed and most of us now know that to maintain good health, the gut must properly absorb nutrients and eliminate waste and toxins on a daily basis. So, it’s not so […]
While future of optimization has permeated our culture at large, it is Gen Z that has grown up in era when technology has enabled them to optimize everything from their sleep and their workouts to their study habits and even their intellect. Last year, I interviewed executives who work in the vitamin division of a […]
Speakers Inc is available to offer you our SA’s Best Speakers as the Inspiring Motivational keynote speaker to open or close your next Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal event or conference. Speakers Inc is a leading SA Best Speakers Bureau for motivational speakers that delivers keynotes over 3000 times per year. Our SA’s Best Speakers are available […]
VUCA is an acronym that is now well established as a description of the business world that we currently operate in for Critical Thinking for the Adaptive Leader. In a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous world, there is no going back to the familiar and predictable world before the global financial crisis of 2008 or […]
In July 2019, I experienced one of the most significant and yet most daunting MINDSETS of my career as a professional speaker. I had been invited by Discovery Healthcare to present a 3-hour workshop to thirty Neurosurgeons on my research into the Neuroscience of Growth MINDSETS for Leaders. Discovery had requested that I equip the […]
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